Selective recovery of Rhenium from industrial leach solutions by
2020年4月1日· title={Selective recovery of Rhenium from industrial leach solutions by synergistic solvent extraction}, author={Tao Hong and Manbo Liu and Jin Ma and Gang Yang and LinBo Li and Kathryn A Mumford and Geoffrey W Stevens},2020年2月1日· title={Recovery of rhenium from tungsten‑rhenium wire by alkali fusionRecovery of rhenium from tungsten‑rhenium wire by alkali fusion
USB2 Rhenium recovery Google Patents
This requires that the process be conducted with great care, in expensive facilities, to2019年1月1日· Recovery Selectivity Photoreaction Molybdenum Tungsten 1Recovery of rhenium from aqueous mixed metal solutions
Investigation on the recovery of rhenium in the high arsenite wash
2020年8月1日· Investigation on the recovery of rhenium in the high arsenite wash2015年12月17日· Recovery of rhenium from aqueous solutions by photoinducedEfficient photochemical recovery of rhenium from aqueous
Selective Recovery of Rhenium from GasScrubbing Solutions of
1993年8月1日· Corpus ID: Selective Recovery of Rhenium from GasTitle: Recovery of rhenium from a spent catalyst via sublimation United States Patent Application conventionally have involved oxidative roasting of the ore and recovery of rhenium from the roaster gases by methods such as wet scrubbing In this connection, reference is made to US Pat Nos 2,414,965, 2,809,092, 3,739,549,Recovery of rhenium from a spent catalyst via sublimation
USB2 Rhenium recovery Google Patents
Title; WOA1 (en) : : Techemet, Llc: A method for platinum recovery from materials containing rhenium and platinum metals Recovery of rhenium and molybdenum values from molybdenite concentrates USA (en) : : P Kruesi2020年8月1日· @article{Hong2020InvestigationOT, title={Investigation on the recovery of rhenium in the high arsenite wash acid solution from the copper smelting process using reducing sulfide precipitation method}, author={Tao Hong and Tian Zheng and Manbo Liu and Kathryn A Mumford and Geoffrey W Stevens}, journal={Hydrometallurgy},Investigation on the recovery of rhenium in the high arsenite
Platinum Group Metals: Green Recovery from Spent Auto
2023年3月23日· This manuscript reviews the current trends in the recovery of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) from endoflife autocatalysts and the aims of the recently funded Marie SklodowskaCurie Project “Chemistry of Platinum Group MetalsCHemPGM” towards the greening of PGMs recovery processes and the reusing of recovered PGMs for2017年5月6日· A technological scheme is proposed for the recovery of rhenium from the wastes of a W–Re alloy in the form of perrhenic acid Linear voltammetry is used to study the anodic behavior of a VR20 alloy in sodium hydroxide solutions, and the possibility of highrate dc electrochemical dissolution of this alloy is shownElectrochemical recovery of rhenium from W–Re alloys in the
Rhenium USGS Publications Warehouse
Rhenium is one of the rarest elements in Earth’s continental crust; its estimated average crustal abundance is less than 1 part per billion Rhenium is a metal that has an extremely high melting point and a heatstable crystalline structure More than 80 percent of the rhenium consumed in the world is used in hightemperature superalloys, especially2015年12月1日· DOI: 101016/JHYDROMET201509026 Corpus ID: ; Ion exchange recovery of rhenium from industrially relevant sulfate solutions: Single column separations and modeling @article{Virolainen2015IonER, title={Ion exchange recovery of rhenium from industrially relevant sulfate solutions: Single column separations and[PDF] Ion exchange recovery of rhenium from industrially
Rhenium Data Sheet Mineral Commodity Summaries 2020
Rhenium also is associated with copper minerals in sedimentary deposits in Armenia, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, and Uzbekistan, where ore is processed for copper recovery and the rheniumbearing residues are recovered at copper smelters Substitutes: Substitutes for rhenium in platinumrhenium catalysts are being evaluated continuallyTitle: Recovery of rhenium United States Patent The present invention relates to the recovery of rhenium from a spent catalyst comprising rhenium in combination with a platinum group metal component on an alumina support or carrier materialRecovery of rhenium Universal Oil Products Company
Review of rhenium extraction and recycling technologies from
2021年1月15日· DOI: 101016/jmineng2020 Corpus ID: ; Review of rhenium extraction and recycling technologies from primary and secondary resources @article{Shen2021ReviewOR, title={Review of rhenium extraction and recycling technologies from primary and secondary resources}, author={Leiting Shen and FisehaIn 2020, rhenium production in the United States decreased by 6% compared with that in 2019 A rhenium recovery facility in Utah was closed in 2019; however, the company announced the possibility of reopening the facility in the near future During 2020, the United States continued to rely on imports for much of its supply of rheniumRhenium USGS Publications Warehouse
Rhenium recovery from superalloys and associated methods
In contrast, oxidationbased recovery of rhenium from superalloys could be a simple and efficient method However, as understood by those of ordinary skill in the art, liberation of rhenium from superalloy waste can be an inefficient process, Title; US12/626,973 USB2 (en) : : RheniumTitle: RECOVERY OF RHENIUM United States Patent Abstract: Rhenium is recovered from solution by adsorption on activated carbon, followed by elution with a watersoluble alcohol or an alcoholwater mixture Inventors: Bauer, Donald J (Reno, NVRECOVERY OF RHENIUM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AS
铼 维基百科,自由的百科全书
錸(Rhenium)的名稱源自拉丁文 Rhenus ,意為萊茵河。 錸是擁有穩定同位素的元素中最後一個發現的(之後在自然界發現的其他元素都是不具有穩定同位素的放射性元素,如鎿和鈈等)。 德米特里·門捷列夫在發佈元素週期表時,就預測了這一元素的存在。The extraction solution consists essentially of a quaternary ammonium compound and at least about 50 percent by volume of a highly aromatic solvent which dissolves a quaternary ammoniumrhenium complex to the extent of at least 01RECOVERY OF RHENIUM AND MOLYBDENUM VALUES FROM
A kind of method of uranium rhenium in spent ion exchange resin
2017年7月10日· CNB chemical patent summary The present invention relates to a kind of methods of spent ion exchange resin synthetical recovery uranium, rhenium from rheniumcontaining uranium ore leachateFor the problem that uranium, rhenium mass concentration ratio are big in rheniumcontaining uranium ore leachate, the2010年7月1日· @misc{etde, title = {Valueadded recovery of vanadium, moly, and rhenium from ISL solutions} author = {Hammen, R F, and Hammen, JP, Email: richhammen@gmail} abstractNote = {Insitu leach uranium mines frequently extract other metals of value from the ore body Some mines in Texas and New Mexico extractValueadded recovery of vanadium, moly, and rhenium from ISL
Extraction process for recovery of rhenium GTE Sylvania
Title: Extraction process for recovery of rhenium United States Patent Abstract: A process is disclosed In particular, it relates to a process for the recovery of rhenium from sodium molybdate solutions prepared from molybdenite concentrates 22023年8月5日· Rhenium is largely used as an additive to nickel and cobaltbased superalloys Their resistance to temperature and corrosion makes them suitable for the production of turbines in civil and military aviation, safety valves in drilling platforms, and tools working at temperatures exceeding 1000 °C The purity of commercial rheniumMaterials | Free FullText | Investigations of the Density and MDPI
بصفتنا مصنعًا عالميًا رائدًا لمعدات التكسير والطحن ، فإننا نقدم حلولًا متطورة وعقلانية لأي متطلبات لتقليل الحجم ، بما في ذلك إنتاج المحاجر والركام والطحن ومحطة تكسير الحجارة الكاملة. نقوم أيضًا بتوريد الكسارات والمطاحن الفردية وكذلك قطع غيارها.
Selective recovery of Rhenium from industrial leach solutions by
2020年4月1日· title={Selective recovery of Rhenium from industrial leach solutions by synergistic solvent extraction}, author={Tao Hong and Manbo Liu and Jin Ma and Gang Yang and LinBo Li and Kathryn A Mumford and Geoffrey W Stevens},2020年2月1日· title={Recovery of rhenium from tungsten‑rhenium wire by alkali fusionRecovery of rhenium from tungsten‑rhenium wire by alkali fusion
USB2 Rhenium recovery Google Patents
This requires that the process be conducted with great care, in expensive facilities, to2019年1月1日· Recovery Selectivity Photoreaction Molybdenum Tungsten 1Recovery of rhenium from aqueous mixed metal solutions
Investigation on the recovery of rhenium in the high arsenite wash
2020年8月1日· Investigation on the recovery of rhenium in the high arsenite wash2015年12月17日· Recovery of rhenium from aqueous solutions by photoinducedEfficient photochemical recovery of rhenium from aqueous
Selective Recovery of Rhenium from GasScrubbing Solutions of
1993年8月1日· Corpus ID: Selective Recovery of Rhenium from GasTitle: Recovery of rhenium from a spent catalyst via sublimation United States Patent Application conventionally have involved oxidative roasting of the ore and recovery of rhenium from the roaster gases by methods such as wet scrubbing In this connection, reference is made to US Pat Nos 2,414,965, 2,809,092, 3,739,549,Recovery of rhenium from a spent catalyst via sublimation
USB2 Rhenium recovery Google Patents
Title; WOA1 (en) : : Techemet, Llc: A method for platinum recovery from materials containing rhenium and platinum metals Recovery of rhenium and molybdenum values from molybdenite concentrates USA (en) : : P Kruesi2020年8月1日· @article{Hong2020InvestigationOT, title={Investigation on the recovery of rhenium in the high arsenite wash acid solution from the copper smelting process using reducing sulfide precipitation method}, author={Tao Hong and Tian Zheng and Manbo Liu and Kathryn A Mumford and Geoffrey W Stevens}, journal={Hydrometallurgy},Investigation on the recovery of rhenium in the high arsenite
Platinum Group Metals: Green Recovery from Spent Auto
2023年3月23日· This manuscript reviews the current trends in the recovery of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) from endoflife autocatalysts and the aims of the recently funded Marie SklodowskaCurie Project “Chemistry of Platinum Group MetalsCHemPGM” towards the greening of PGMs recovery processes and the reusing of recovered PGMs for2017年5月6日· A technological scheme is proposed for the recovery of rhenium from the wastes of a W–Re alloy in the form of perrhenic acid Linear voltammetry is used to study the anodic behavior of a VR20 alloy in sodium hydroxide solutions, and the possibility of highrate dc electrochemical dissolution of this alloy is shownElectrochemical recovery of rhenium from W–Re alloys in the
Rhenium USGS Publications Warehouse
Rhenium is one of the rarest elements in Earth’s continental crust; its estimated average crustal abundance is less than 1 part per billion Rhenium is a metal that has an extremely high melting point and a heatstable crystalline structure More than 80 percent of the rhenium consumed in the world is used in hightemperature superalloys, especially2015年12月1日· DOI: 101016/JHYDROMET201509026 Corpus ID: ; Ion exchange recovery of rhenium from industrially relevant sulfate solutions: Single column separations and modeling @article{Virolainen2015IonER, title={Ion exchange recovery of rhenium from industrially relevant sulfate solutions: Single column separations and[PDF] Ion exchange recovery of rhenium from industrially
Rhenium Data Sheet Mineral Commodity Summaries 2020
Rhenium also is associated with copper minerals in sedimentary deposits in Armenia, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, and Uzbekistan, where ore is processed for copper recovery and the rheniumbearing residues are recovered at copper smelters Substitutes: Substitutes for rhenium in platinumrhenium catalysts are being evaluated continuallyTitle: Recovery of rhenium United States Patent The present invention relates to the recovery of rhenium from a spent catalyst comprising rhenium in combination with a platinum group metal component on an alumina support or carrier materialRecovery of rhenium Universal Oil Products Company
Review of rhenium extraction and recycling technologies from
2021年1月15日· DOI: 101016/jmineng2020 Corpus ID: ; Review of rhenium extraction and recycling technologies from primary and secondary resources @article{Shen2021ReviewOR, title={Review of rhenium extraction and recycling technologies from primary and secondary resources}, author={Leiting Shen and FisehaIn 2020, rhenium production in the United States decreased by 6% compared with that in 2019 A rhenium recovery facility in Utah was closed in 2019; however, the company announced the possibility of reopening the facility in the near future During 2020, the United States continued to rely on imports for much of its supply of rheniumRhenium USGS Publications Warehouse
Rhenium recovery from superalloys and associated methods
In contrast, oxidationbased recovery of rhenium from superalloys could be a simple and efficient method However, as understood by those of ordinary skill in the art, liberation of rhenium from superalloy waste can be an inefficient process, Title; US12/626,973 USB2 (en) : : RheniumTitle: RECOVERY OF RHENIUM United States Patent Abstract: Rhenium is recovered from solution by adsorption on activated carbon, followed by elution with a watersoluble alcohol or an alcoholwater mixture Inventors: Bauer, Donald J (Reno, NVRECOVERY OF RHENIUM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AS
铼 维基百科,自由的百科全书
錸(Rhenium)的名稱源自拉丁文 Rhenus ,意為萊茵河。 錸是擁有穩定同位素的元素中最後一個發現的(之後在自然界發現的其他元素都是不具有穩定同位素的放射性元素,如鎿和鈈等)。 德米特里·門捷列夫在發佈元素週期表時,就預測了這一元素的存在。The extraction solution consists essentially of a quaternary ammonium compound and at least about 50 percent by volume of a highly aromatic solvent which dissolves a quaternary ammoniumrhenium complex to the extent of at least 01RECOVERY OF RHENIUM AND MOLYBDENUM VALUES FROM
A kind of method of uranium rhenium in spent ion exchange resin
2017年7月10日· CNB chemical patent summary The present invention relates to a kind of methods of spent ion exchange resin synthetical recovery uranium, rhenium from rheniumcontaining uranium ore leachateFor the problem that uranium, rhenium mass concentration ratio are big in rheniumcontaining uranium ore leachate, the2010年7月1日· @misc{etde, title = {Valueadded recovery of vanadium, moly, and rhenium from ISL solutions} author = {Hammen, R F, and Hammen, JP, Email: richhammen@gmail} abstractNote = {Insitu leach uranium mines frequently extract other metals of value from the ore body Some mines in Texas and New Mexico extractValueadded recovery of vanadium, moly, and rhenium from ISL
Extraction process for recovery of rhenium GTE Sylvania
Title: Extraction process for recovery of rhenium United States Patent Abstract: A process is disclosed In particular, it relates to a process for the recovery of rhenium from sodium molybdate solutions prepared from molybdenite concentrates 22023年8月5日· Rhenium is largely used as an additive to nickel and cobaltbased superalloys Their resistance to temperature and corrosion makes them suitable for the production of turbines in civil and military aviation, safety valves in drilling platforms, and tools working at temperatures exceeding 1000 °C The purity of commercial rheniumMaterials | Free FullText | Investigations of the Density and MDPI